Age of empires 3 mercenaries
Age of empires 3 mercenaries

age of empires 3 mercenaries

  • 30 Kill XP earned would reduce the cost of Ageing up by 10 resources (5 food & 5 coin).
  • The XP your Rases (Heroes) earn reduces the cost much more than other units.” “The Kill XP you earn from fighting slightly reduces the cost of each Age-up Alliance you research.
  • African Cattle gather resources at half the speed of a villagerĮthiopians: 10 NEW Cards! Era of Princes (I).
  • “Enables African Cattle to construct Fields and slowly gather resources from them.” “Arrives fast! Ships a number of Yoruba Eso Riders.”
  • Can’t be sent if it would put you above the Cattle build limit of 20.
  • Ships 12 Sanga Cattle containing 200 food.
  • “Ships a Prize Bull and a number of semi-fattened Cattle.”
  • Note: Should be highly useful in the Treaty Gamemode.
  • Elite Upgrade: -100% (becomes free and immediate!).
  • War Camp Hand Cavalry upgrades research time and cost reduced:.
  • age of empires 3 mercenaries

    “Ships a number of Raiders and Lifidi Knights and makes their upgrades cheaper and research faster.” “Villagers gather Coin faster from Fields.”

  • All benefits granted to your entire team.
  • Enemy fortifications are buildings with the “Frontier Fortification” type, as well as Walls and Town Centers.
  • Reveals the location of all Trading Posts, Treasures, and enemy fortifications on the map.”
  • Emir must be nearby the targeted building to use the ability.
  • age of empires 3 mercenaries

  • Ability can target 1 Military Building to slow its workrate by -75% for 40 seconds.
  • Tsetse Sabotage: may be used to sabotage an enemy Military Building, considerably slowing down its production and research rates.”

    age of empires 3 mercenaries

    “Villagers gather Coin faster from Fields, Estates and Rice Paddies.”

  • Sheep and Goats gain +60 maximum food total.
  • Cattle and Llamas gain +100 maximum food total.
  • “Increases the maximum food total Herdables can fatten to.” New Cards Hausa: 10 NEW Cards! Kilishi Jerky (I)

    Age of empires 3 mercenaries