30 Kill XP earned would reduce the cost of Ageing up by 10 resources (5 food & 5 coin). The XP your Rases (Heroes) earn reduces the cost much more than other units.” “The Kill XP you earn from fighting slightly reduces the cost of each Age-up Alliance you research. African Cattle gather resources at half the speed of a villagerĮthiopians: 10 NEW Cards! Era of Princes (I). “Enables African Cattle to construct Fields and slowly gather resources from them.” “Arrives fast! Ships a number of Yoruba Eso Riders.” Can’t be sent if it would put you above the Cattle build limit of 20. Ships 12 Sanga Cattle containing 200 food. “Ships a Prize Bull and a number of semi-fattened Cattle.” Note: Should be highly useful in the Treaty Gamemode. Elite Upgrade: -100% (becomes free and immediate!). War Camp Hand Cavalry upgrades research time and cost reduced:.
“Ships a number of Raiders and Lifidi Knights and makes their upgrades cheaper and research faster.” “Villagers gather Coin faster from Fields.”
All benefits granted to your entire team. Enemy fortifications are buildings with the “Frontier Fortification” type, as well as Walls and Town Centers. Reveals the location of all Trading Posts, Treasures, and enemy fortifications on the map.” Emir must be nearby the targeted building to use the ability.
Ability can target 1 Military Building to slow its workrate by -75% for 40 seconds. Tsetse Sabotage: may be used to sabotage an enemy Military Building, considerably slowing down its production and research rates.”
“Villagers gather Coin faster from Fields, Estates and Rice Paddies.”
Sheep and Goats gain +60 maximum food total. Cattle and Llamas gain +100 maximum food total. “Increases the maximum food total Herdables can fatten to.” New Cards Hausa: 10 NEW Cards! Kilishi Jerky (I)