Sometimes you can buy specific hero covers, but they cost 1000+ Hero Points." You can get basic 1 star heroes by spending 500 iso-8 with an extremely small chance of getting a higher quality hero or you can spend 300+ Hero Points to buy heroes at a minimum of 2 star. "Some you will get as specific mission rewards, the rest you will get by randomly 'buying' a hero cover in the store. The cost continues to increase as you open more spaces. The real sink is having enough spaces to accomodate all the hero cards that you might wish to collect. Using the hero points in this way seems a waste to me. I don't spend money on them, but rather win them through events or random covers. I only collect the rares for the sake of having them in my collection. And if you are opting to spend the hero points on this-I would again say you're doing it wrong, but that's your choice. The common heroes are provided often enough that you easily max up. This is only a problem if you are opting to play with a hero who is more rare. However, you can only opt to spend the 500 Hero Points after you have found at least one Hero Cover for that specific power." In order to increase a heroes powers you must either find a "Hero Cover" for that specific power, or spend 500 Hero Points. "2) The max level of your hero is limited by the level of the heroes powers. This is not where you should be spending your points. Until they change the mechanics of the game, if you've been spending 1000+ ISO for levelling, you're doing it wrong. At first it isn't so bad, a hundred to a couple hundred, but as you get up to the mid-levels you'll be needing over 1000 to gain a single level on a single hero. "1) You use Iso-8 to "Level Up" your heroes. You will not get to the highest win tiers, but you will do will spending nothing if you use your head. This post is based off the mobile version of the game." and a hell of a lot of it, just look at the "DLC" which is really just buying in game currency. "However the reality of it is you won't get far very fast without spending cash. If you play casually, I don't know, but if you stay logged on and come back to play whenever your heroes heal, you can do it. Yeah, and it's more than technically possible. "Technically, if given enough time, you can play this game for free." I'm not pushing for the highest level of win, but I do alright. It just takes some strategy and care, but it is completely doable without spending tons of cash. No, I'm not sharing my strategy, but it's entirely feasible. I've played through the entire main storyline with no hero being above level 25. I've done well on $5, and if I had to do it over, I would've done it without spending even that. Wrong, it is possible to have a good experience with little or no cash outlay.
I have to respond to some of the negativity about this game because although the p2w aspect is real, it does not describe well my experience with the game.