The iron sights are very clean, but the recoil is quite high, kicking in an almost uniquely upwards pattern, and heavily. Despite the burst delay and the lack of auto-burst, many will find the RK5 to fire very fast. It has a burst delay of 100 milliseconds, and the RK5 doesn't have the auto-burst option that other burst fire weapons have. The RK5 fires in a three round burst configuration, and the rate of fire within the burst is 909, making it the fastest firing pistol. The RK5's rate of fire is very impressive to compensate for its short range. Its headshot multiplier makes it useless to hit the head in most situations without High Caliber. The RK5 doesn't shoot through obstacles very well, either, needing FMJ to shoot through most obstacles bar very thin plywood and glass. However, it loses out to both pistols in terms of range, which it notably lacks in comparison to its competitors. While its damage doesn't match that of the MR6, it bests the L-CAR 9 up close in terms of damage.

Up close, the RK5 will typically take either three or four shots to kill, and at medium ranges, typically five to six. The RK5 is a moderate damage per bullet pistol. The RK5 is used by Jacob Hendricks shortly in " Black Ops", where he fires it semi-automatically.